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Writing Conventions (Level 1) 

Writing Convention Quizzes Level 1

USA-L.1.1.B OH-L1.1b GA-1L1b

Use Common, Proper, and Possessive Nouns

Identify the Nouns in a Sentence

Identify Nouns in a Sentence 

Identify the Noun LITERACY (NEW)

Proper Nouns Names and Initial Word in a Sentence

Proper Nouns: Dates and Holidays 

Proper Nouns: Places and Things 

Possessive Nouns

Possessive Nouns: Ownership

USA-L.1.1.C OH-L1.1c GA-1L1c

Use Singular and Plural Nouns with Matching Verbs 

Singular or Plural Noun 

USA-L.1.1.D OH-L1.1d GA-1L1d

Use Personal, Possessive, and Indefinite Pronouns 

Identify the Pronoun

Use the Correct Pronoun 

Possessive Pronouns 

Pronoun Modifier

USA-L.1.1.E OH-L1.1e GA-1L1e

Use Verbs Past, Present, and Future 

Identify the Verb 

Singular or Plural

Which Helping Verb 

Verb Tense 

Subject Verb Agreement

USA-L.1.1.F OH-L1.1f GA-1L1f

Using Adjectives

Identify the Adjective 

Comparative Adjectives 

Make a Comparative Adjective 

USA-L.1.1.G OH-L1.1g GA-1L1g

Add a Conjunction

Time Ordered Conjunctions 

USA-L.1.1.H OH-L1.1h GA-1L1h

Using Articles and Demonstratives


Demonstratives (4)

USA-L.1.1.I OH-L1.1i GA-1L1i

Using Prepositions 

Find the Best Preposition 

USA-L.1.1.J OH-L1.1j GA-1L1j

Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, and Exclamatory Sentences 

Question or Statement 

Sentence or Fragment 

Type of Sentence 

USA-L.1.2.A OH-L1.2a GA-1L2a

A Capitalize Dates and Names of People

Capitalize Initial Word in a Sentence

Capitalize Proper Nouns 

Capitalize Dates and Holidays 

USA-L.1.2.B OH-L1.2b GA-1L2b

Punctuate Sentence Endings

Correct Ending Punctuation 

USA-L.1.2.C OH-L1.2c GA-1L2c

Using Commas in Dates and in Series

Commas in Dates

Commas to Separate a List 

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